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A bright crisp coffee.

Great for those early morning pourovers or a single espresso. 

Ethiopia Yirgz Koke

  • Tasting Notes: 

    Floral, Grapefruit, Peaches, Pineapple, Ripe Fruit 

    Process: Honey

    Elevation: 1800M

    Variety: Kurume, Dega, Wolisho 

  • Coffee from the Gedeo Zone In Southern Ethiopia is known for its heirloom varieties. It grows in rich soil under shade from trees like Bibira and Cordia Africana. Farmers pick only ripe cherries by hand, returning every eight to ten days. Each picker collects 100 to 200 pounds of cherries daily. which produces about 20 to 40 pounds of coffee beans. They are paid based on their harvest, and the cherries are then sent to processing plants.

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